
GIVEAWAY: Witch Skincare for Woman and Men

March 18, 2014

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The awesome Witch ladies contacted me if I wanted to do a giveaway and I pretty much like, HELL YEAH! I love doing a good old giveaway and I loveeeeee Witch Skincare products, I pretty much live by them and rave about them all the time. They have give me not only a mens kit to giveaway (see here for what it contains) but also the blemish stick, blemish gel, both face washes, stick concealer, primer, and wipes. Pretty safe to say you will be set for the Summer and looking glowing. So if you want to enter just fill out the Rafflecopter Form above, it's something you shouldn't miss out on!

Good luck!
Gemma x

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  1. No, haven't had the chance to try any products from Witch yet.

  2. I haven't actually ever tried this brand! I've seen it so many times in Boots but never actually got around to buying anything.

    Holly | hollylikestoblog

  3. I haven`t actually heard of them before but I`d love to try!

    ROUGH & TOUGH | I`m on Bloglovin!

  4. I've tried the primer and loved it!


  5. yes! it's great for preventing a breakout x
