

I've put together a small FAQ's section as there are a few question that I often get asked. If there is anything else you wanted to know feel free to drop me an email/tweet (contact information can be found under 'contact').

How did you come up with the idea of GEMSIES?
When creating my blog I wanted a blog name that was short, catchy yet referred to me personally, I came up with GEMSIES seeing as my name is Gemma and some of my friends call me that!

What do you do for a job?
I'm currently a Music Teacher in a Primary School and I am completely in love with as music is something I have always had a passion for since I was in Primary School myself!

What did you study and University?
I studied Primary Education to become a primary school teacher and specialised in Music. It's not your typical 'blogger degree' although it's something I have a strong passion for and means I can keep blogging as a hobby!

What camera do you use?
I currently have a Nikon D5000, I've had this for a good few years now and I've had no problems! I sometimes use my Canon G7X for blogging or on the go pics as it's much lighter and compact!

Can I use your pictures?
As long as you refer them back to me and my blog I have no problem! I do prefer if you contact me first about it though just so I know!

How do you get invited to PR events etc?
I normally am contacted by PR Companies via email asking me to attend these press days/events. It's mainly out of the blue although there is no harm in contacting them!