
Next Spring 15 Collection

November 15, 2014

I recently headed off to preview Next's Spring '15 collection, it's crazy how quick the change over is right?! I'm still super excited for Christmas and can't think past that just yet but the clothes, oh the clothes... I think hands down this was my favourite collection Next has ever done, there were so many wearable pieces and such classic pieces that had an edgy touch for example the amazing lilac leather jacket! I'm going to be a teacher (hopefully) in September and will be teaching my class and I've already thought about things to wear because I don't want to be that boring teacher that lives in leggings and jumpers. This collection would pretty much be perfect for my entire wardrobe, loads of lovely jackets, trousers and tops that aren't too fitted but look oh so cool and on trend. The trainers would definately have to be one of my favourite, they are pretty similar to the Roshe Runs but have a cute floral twist to it and are about half the price!

Gemma x

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  1. If that is a drumstick is a bag then I'll be looking out for that all next season! Haa!
    It looks like they have some lovely things out for SS15, I can't wait to see it in stores :)

    CAT xo

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    1. It is a drumstick bag haha! I know a lot of people loved it so defo keep your eye out :)

      Gem x
