
british beauty box

August 06, 2020

So before I was kindly gifted this  British Beauty Box, it is safe to say I was a 'subscription box virgin'. Don't get me wrong, I have always loved the idea of them and think they're a great way to try new products but I just never decided to bite the bullet. After trying this box out, I have no idea what was holding me back and truly regret waiting so long. This beauty box is a little more premium than some of the boxes you get and you receive at least 3 full-sized products which I think is brilliant for the £35 monthly fee. 
So in my box, I was really happy with the variety of products I got in it and I liked that they were all brands I had never heard before as there is nothing more disappointing than receiving products you've already heard about. Well that's my opinion anyway as I feel these boxes should encourage you to try new products and explore different brands at a much more affordable price. You have the option of purchasing yearly or quarterly with the option to cancel at any time! A perfect little treat all year round!

I am so glad I was given to opportunity to try this box and will happily explore others from now on without holding back! Have you tried any subscription boxes?

Gemma x

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