
Ped Egg Review

July 07, 2012

JML - £7.99

The Ped Egg is something I hear about literally everywhere, I see millions of reviews and it comes up in conversation between my friends. Seeing as summer is only around the corner and I will soon be jetting off to Spain I decided to try this out as I will be practically living in sandals! The Ped Egg softly removes any dead skin leaving you with a soft look and feel! Even though it seems quite sharp the Ped Egg claims that if you rubbed it against a balloon it wouldn't pop! For £7.99 it's a bargain compared to how many pedicures you would have to get! The egg shape allows it to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand making it easier to use too! 

You are meant to use it once every 2 weeks but I used it much more often than this and found no soreness or irritation. I'm very pleased with the result as it was instant. I would use this maybe once every three days and use Heel Genius by Soap and Glory every night before I go to bed. I have seen a huge different and my feet are so soft! I would recommend this to everybody I know, it's extremely cheap compared to the results you get and it's a perfect tool to use before going away on holiday!

Have you tried the Ped Egg?

Gemma x 

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  1. I've never really tried or needed the Ped Egg, but my dad needed it a couple of years ago. He had really dry, calloused feet and my mother would use that on him to soften them up a bit. It worked really well and he never experienced any irritation from it. Maybe I'll pick up another one from CVS to use on the backs of my heels so they're flip flop ready! :)

  2. I have really dry, cracked heels so I am thinking of trying one of these. Thanks for the review, I haven't read one before! :)


  3. I have the stippling and setting brushes from real techniques and I love them! I use them daily. Thanks for joining my weekend blog hop, I am now following back :)

  4. I love the Ped Egg, my mom got one a few years ago and borrowed hers and really enjoy using it and find it works well :)

